After configuring SAML for your account, CloudSploit can enable "just-in-time" provisioning of users. This means that new users who have not been explicitly invited via the "Users and Groups" page in the CloudSploit Console will be able to log in and a user account will be provisioned for them the first time they successfully log in. There are both benefits, as well as things to be aware of, when enabling just-in-time provisioning.

Just-In-Time Enabled
Just-In-Time Disabled
Only accounts that are explicitly invited from the CloudSploit Console can signupAny user who successfully authenticates via SAML will be provisioned an account
Users are added to the groups in which the inviting admin adds themUsers are automatically added to the "Default" group
CloudSploit handles RBAC for initial account accessSAML provider handles RBAC for initial account access

To enable just-in-time provisioning, please open a support ticket and CloudSploit Support will enable it globally for your account.