Questions about scans

What are plugins and how do they relate to scans?
A plugin is the method by which CloudSploit evaluates a cloud security control or best practice. For example, a plugin may check that S3 Bucket encryption i...
Sun, 10 Nov, 2019 at 11:44 AM
Who develops CloudSploit plugins and establishes the security controls?
CloudSploit develops plugins based on cloud security best practices as defined by the cloud providers, the industry, and standard security and compliance co...
Sun, 10 Nov, 2019 at 11:44 AM
Can I customize CloudSploit plugins?
Many CloudSploit plugins can be customized to match the security controls of your organization. Customization options are plugin-specific. For example, a pl...
Sun, 10 Nov, 2019 at 11:45 AM
What do plugin severity rankings mean?
Aqua CSPM assigns a default severity ranking to each plugin that reflects our interpretation of the plugin's risk to the cloud account and its likelihoo...
Mon, 1 Jun, 2020 at 3:43 PM
Can I change the severity ranking of a plugin?
Yes. Each plugin severity ranking can also be overridden on a global or per-IaaS account basis if you determine that CloudSploit's assigned severity is ...
Mon, 1 Jun, 2020 at 3:41 PM
Can I develop my own plug-in?
Yes. CloudSploit has a guide to developing new plug-ins (tests) on its GitHub page at https://github.com/cloudsploit/scans#writing-a-plugin Plugins are ...
Wed, 25 Mar, 2020 at 12:33 PM
Can I suppress scan results?
Yes. You can suppress specific resources by resource ID, entire plugins, or entire regions either globally or on a per-IaaS account basis.
Sun, 10 Nov, 2019 at 11:46 AM
How do I globally suppress a plugin or region?
A plugin or region can be suppressed across all current and future connected cloud IaaS accounts via the “Suppressions” page. Simply select the “Global (All...
Sun, 10 Nov, 2019 at 11:46 AM
How can I export my scan reports as a CSV?
All scan reports can be exported as a CSV by navigating to the “Scans”, “Scan Results” page and selecting a report. A CSV can be exported from the scans pag...
Sun, 10 Nov, 2019 at 11:46 AM
How often are new plugins released?
New plugins are released on a periodic basis as new security controls are added by the CloudSploit team for existing or new cloud provider services. For exa...
Sun, 10 Nov, 2019 at 11:46 AM