There are several reasons that background scans may not be running against your connected account:

  1. The cross-account IAM role may be invalid or may have been deleted from your AWS account. Double check that it is still properly configured and that the CloudSploit account number has permissions to assume it.
  2. Your connected account may not be enabled for background scanning. Ensure that you have clicked "Enable" within the "AWS Accounts" page in the CloudSploit dashboard.
  3. Your billing information may not be valid or may have expired. Before background scanning will resume, please ensure your billing details are up to date by submitting the latest payment information on the "Account Settings" page.
  4. Background scanning may have been disabled because of a role assumption error. If this is the case, CloudSploit attempted to assume your role, but received an "access denied" error from AWS. We will not continue to scan your account until the role is fixed, so you will see a small red notification next to your account. To re-enable scanning, please contact support so that we may work with you and ensure the role is configured properly.